Monday, October 30, 2006


Feeling all crazy nervous and tired

4 AM forever more= you called , i slept

Maybe i'll never see you smile again

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


I've got an announcement to make!.

All 2006 sports school students, yes
the ones that went to Perak earlier
this year in may. Denise included.
We are freaking planning a holiday
for the year 2009. Its at the end of
the year after sea games so that
all those that are going sea games wont
miss out on this holiday of the year!.

Venue: not sure val is suggesting australia
but i'm thinking of armsterdam, you
know, a rest and relax place for the
guys especially. ( tag to tell me your suggestions)

Duration: Hmm probably a week?
but we'll be celebrating christmas there
and thats for sure!. (tag to tell me your suggestions).

Ooh okay thats all for now but
we will keep you guys updated
and make sure you will be free from
20th december onwards!.


A conversation i had with a friend

Her: you

me : you?

Her: they

me : who?

Her: him

Me: why?

Her: sad

Me: care to share?

Roxy 7 has gone offline.

Short and sweet
Sweet ole' child

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Time after time

I got a very nice song to post but i cant
seem to find the lyrics on the net.

I'm getting very irritated by something.
People or rather family members walking
in and out of my damn room. Pls la some
privacy can anot?.. i'm like chatting with
this damn hot babe/guy and suddenly
cousin timothy steps in to see. I was playing
bowling online and and my mum kept talking
to me. I almost had a freaking perfect game ok!.

The haze is killing and it is officially in my
"hate list"". Balls 2 guys and 1 girl have
been complaining abt some shite to me. Yes
i know and i've experience it before.
MTFK Paris hilton ( dont discriminate)

you say go slow, i fall behind.
You taught i tried
You said i pictured it in my head

Monday, October 16, 2006

moderate hopeless temptation

i actually wanted to blog, honestly but i cant
seem to do it. I'm not lazy its just that i dont
have anything to blog about. I'm sending
450 msges a month, i hope i lose my phone.
i'm tired of pressing buttons so if anyone
of you want to msg me pls dont.

Give this sorry soul a chance he is freaking
shag from trng and losing every bit of
energy slowly , he has to continue because
he wants to achieve his goal this december.

He wants all those that doubt him to stfu
for good, he wont lose touch he wont give
up. He will continue and persist and pursue

i'm going to changi airport to study after
trng tmro around 8 plus. dont say i never
jio, anyone?.And if i still retain shoot me.

It is easy to continue the rolling of the ball
but it is difficult to start the rolling of it